The Voice You Can’t Live Without

I waltz through the door like I own the place and toss my jacket on the couch. Nothing is necessarily threatening about my actions, but my general lack of acknowledgment is obvious. You wonder if something is wrong. I plop down into a dining chair and put my head into...

The Best Fuck You’ll Ever Experience

I don’t know what it is about wearing less than a yard of fabric that makes men wildly enthusiastic about seeing me. I could stroll around stark naked and while I’d attract your constant attention, it wouldn’t be with quite the same degree of wonderment that it is if...

Using My Magical Weapons Proactively!

They say the sun will come out tomorrow, but during winter it’s easy to forget that. Spotting a girl in a pair of skin-tight denim jeans is about the best you can hope to take in when you’re out and about when it’s chilly. The fleshy thighs have been covered up since...

I’d Choose You Every Time

You’re sitting at a high-top table enjoying your drink. A lot of guys come to strip clubs alone looking for a much-needed dose of rapturous distraction. One after another the scantily clad money-whores saunter over to you. They rub your shoulders and pretend that they...

The Sexual High of Your Life

One of the key components of making a phone sex call with your only desire (yours truly) so astoundingly different is that our call is not simply an auditory exchange. I have a natural ability to create an all-consuming whirling of every sensing organ in your body....

I’m Back, Let’s Rekindle Our Fire

Hey babe, it’s been a long time since we were together. Life seems to always have a way of getting in the way of pleasure, which is why we schedule vacations. We must set aside time for ourselves, ensuring that we can steal away from the daily grind of working just to...

The Allure of Ashlee – Conclusion

You stutter again, trying to maintain your composure in the face of the visual bomb I just dropped in your crotch. “Come on Ashlee,” Michelle giggles. “I think you’ve tortured him enough.” You’re not sure if you’re pleased or upset over her trying to bring an end to...

The Allure of Ashlee – Part 2

“So, a girl grinding her scrumptious ass into your crotch, fervently trying with vigor to bring you to the edge of cumming is not cheating?” I ask. “Um no,” you reply in a slightly indignant manner. “What if, while she was in pursuit of giving you the lap dance of...

The Allure of Ashlee – Part 1

Your wife is out of town for a few days when your old friend Michelle reaches out to you. You haven’t spoken to her in ages, your relationship with her is now relegated to looking at each other’s social media posts and maybe dropping an occasional comment to one...

Emptying Your Balls Spectacularly

There are many ways to say, “I want you”. You can do it with protestations of love, of how you’d climb any mountain to be with me, swim any ocean, slay a thousand dragons. You can shower me with gifts and tell me how badly you want to strangle your cock when you hear...