Intelligent phone sex-Ashlee-866-605-2544

Everyone has their own private fantasy world...

The entries I write for you are an expansion of mine!

The Voice You Can’t Live Without

I waltz through the door like I own the place and toss my jacket on the couch. Nothing is necessarily threatening about my actions, but my general lack of acknowledgment is obvious. You wonder if something is wrong. I plop down into a dining chair and put my head into my hands. You ask me if I’ve had a rough day as I massage my temples with closed eyes.

“No, babe. Just tired. Just very tired.” I explain. You’re unsure if you should offer some words of affirmation or keep quiet to shield me from any additional noise. Finally, my eyes spring open and find you. “I just need to turn my mind off right now. No decision-making for the next 30 minutes.” You nod your understanding, and then I continue, “Take me out for dinner. Please don’t ask me where I’d like to go. Don’t tell me where we are going. Just tell me what you want me to wear.”

You stutter a bit but eventually say, “Show me your tits tonight. Put them on display for everyone to see.” Normally, I might balk at such a request. I show off the goods when I want to, not when a man wants to show me off as I hang adoringly on his arm. But I did insist that you take the initiative and make all the decisions. I can’t start debating it with you when you do as you’re told.

“Fine,” I respond, then disappear into the bathroom. Moments later, I reappeared wearing a flimsy black crochet dress. “Hey babe, normally I wear this around the house when I’m in for the night. It’s my sexy nightgown.” You are stunned and silent; your mouth is hanging open. Sound emerges from it, not words; it’s just noises that communicate that you’re transforming from a man into an animal in this moment. I do a 180 to allow the hem in the back to bounce up to reveal the thin string of my thong being swallowed up by the crack of my juicy ass.

“I changed my mind, handsome,” I begin, sticking my index finger into your stomach; I trace it down towards your rapidly stiffening man muscle. “I want to stay in. I want to relax and do nothing.”

“Okay,” you reply. Your eyes are fixated on my chest as my cleavage causes your erection to twitch. You see it glistening from the body oil I rubbed on myself. Our eyes lock, and you know you won’t decline me anything for the remainder of tonight. You’ll do anything I want, you rapidly think to yourself as my hand grips your stiff cock through your pants.

“Babe, I want you to do something for me,” I say.
“Anything,” you breathe back. I push you backward until you fall ass-first into the sofa. I straddle you and pull down the top of my flimsy night dress, exposing my tits. You can’t keep your eyes off them.

“I want you to bury your face in my tits and squeeze them with your manly hands.” You do as I command, enjoying the feeling of my smooth, sun-kissed skin and the weight of my bosom. “Now, I want you to put your mouth on them and suck. Suckle them deep into your wanting mouth, babe. Give them the attention they deserve!” You do as you’re told and are rewarded with divinity beyond belief. After a few minutes, I pull your head up and lock eyes with you again. You’re a man enraptured in a lust-filled haze on a quest that ends in heaving sighs of ecstasy, and that’s exactly how I want it. “Babe, it’s time for you to glaze them with a hot load of your man gravy. Do it now!”

It’s time to stop wishing…

You’re only 10 digits away from the voice you will never want to be without again!

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The Best Fuck You’ll Ever Experience

I don’t know what it is about wearing less than a yard of fabric that makes men wildly enthusiastic about seeing me. I could stroll around stark naked and while I’d attract your constant attention, it wouldn’t be with quite the same degree of wonderment that it is if I’m donning a skimpy outfit. I suppose seeing me so scantily clad is a bit like an unspoken invitation to undress me with your eyes. And once my clothes come off, well, that’s when the fun begins.

With the weather getting warmer, one of the perks is that I can wear the same lazy Sunday attire out and about as I do inside when I’m just lounging around watching television or sunning by the pool. During the winter, I can’t just jump off the couch and take my pup for walks the way I can in the spring and summer. Being stuck inside comes with its set of benefits, (a very buxom set, I might add) but it denies me the chance to tease and torment you the way strutting with less on my body does.

But today when you arrive at my house, I answer the door in an outfit that seems more like a series of black strips tied around me rather than clothing. Black straps were crisscrossing my torso, and my hips, dangling down onto my leg. It was like a movie scene where I just escaped captivity as a sex slave. Being the one who takes orders has never been my thing, but you can’t help but admit that I look beyond fuckable. “Ashlee,” you say with your mouth hanging open, “you look incredible!”

I smile at you, rewarding you for your timely compliment. I know the greatest thrill you can experience is knowing you’ve pleased me, so I let you soak in the moment of seeing me happy. “Baby, let me grab my sarong and bag and we can head out. I can’t wait to see the lake and get in the water!

I grab you by the hand and we drive as fast as we can to the lake. As we arrive, the sky looks overcast, and the water is a bit murky, but I’m determined to get wet and so are you (even if you don’t get in the ahem…water). Once we are on the beach my hands are tugging at your belt as I lead you down closer to the water. Once I pull your belt open, I get it off your waist in one movement. Seconds later, you are completely naked, and suddenly my skimpy black suit makes me seem overdressed. I bend over to let you imagine heaven for a moment, then stand back up. I push you backward. A fly could’ve knocked you over. You lose your balance and fall into the water.

Moments later my legs are wrapped around your waist, your cock inside me as you hold my back. The water makes our rhythm easier to achieve, and bouncing on your cock is even more pleasurable. “I love you, Ashlee,” you whisper and grunt at the same time. With goosebumps covering your naked wet flesh, you cry out in ecstasy.

I’m just a girl wearing a black sex-slave-looking bathing suit, but once you push the tiny piece of fabric covering my crotch to the side, you realize that I’m the best fuck you will ever experience!

Just call and find out for yourself.

After all, No Man Calls Only Once!

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Using My Magical Weapons Proactively!

They say the sun will come out tomorrow, but during winter it’s easy to forget that. Spotting a girl in a pair of skin-tight denim jeans is about the best you can hope to take in when you’re out and about when it’s chilly. The fleshy thighs have been covered up since Thanksgiving. Fortunately for us both, the season is changing and so is my wardrobe. And you know what they also say? Suns out, buns out!

I didn’t do much for St. Patrick’s Day this year. I didn’t feel the need to relive my college days when how fast you drink cheap beer tinted with green food coloring was regarded as a talent. I like catching a buzz as much as anyone, but I found more pleasure in watching the college basketball conference tournaments leading up to Selection Sunday. I spent the weekend trying on my spring and summer attire with hoops on in the background.

As I tried on my clothes, I imagined how you and your cock would react if you saw me showcasing my beautiful ass after months of viewing bulky puffer jackets and denim-draped legs. My go-to seems to be tight-fitted up top, but equally as influencing down below; that’s My favorite little flavor of March Madness.
I know my boobs usually steal the show. But sometimes I like to feature my backside too. And while I’m quite aware of the power my chest wields, my ass, on the other hand, is pretty proactive too. I am indeed grateful to possess much more than one magical weapon!

Drink in the photo that accompanies this blog entry because you are about to experience just what my framed bottom can do…

I lead you to a couch, nudging you to be seated. When your back hits the cushion I spread your legs apart and turn around. While looking over my shoulder as I’m biting my bottom lip, I begin to softly grind my silky thong-laden ass into your face. You reach out to squeeze it, but I pull forward. Watching my ass cheeks gently jiggle and twerk right there in front of your face fuels you with a lust-filled agony that is permeating your body. You can feel the urgency of pressure in your balls. They are near full capacity.

I drop to my knees and grab your belt. Your pants are soon down to your ankles, leaving only your boxer briefs between me and your cock. I rub your erection through the fabric until a huge wet spot forms on your briefs from your leaking dick. You’re breathing heavily and trying to grab at me. I reach beneath the waistband of your briefs and your wet bulging head meets my hand instantly. I aim your cock up towards your face and press the top of your shaft firmly against your flesh, removing my hand from your briefs. I caress the soft underbelly of your manhood and stare into your longing eyes. “Please, Ashlee.”

“Please what, baby?” But you don’t need to answer. You can’t answer. I stand up and show you my perfect bottom again and then lay down against your cock, lining it up with my ass crack. Pressing up against you, I rock up and down. As I continue to move back and forth, I can tell that you can’t take much more. I continue dry-humping you for a few seconds more until you frantically explode with a frenzied sense of pure pleasure and relief.

Want to experience my magical weapons for yourself?

Call me. 866-605-2544

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I’d Choose You Every Time

You’re sitting at a high-top table enjoying your drink. A lot of guys come to strip clubs alone looking for a much-needed dose of rapturous distraction. One after another the scantily clad money-whores saunter over to you. They rub your shoulders and pretend that they find you as attractive as you initially find them. “Hey sexy,” they say. But you’ve grown numb to any attempts at flirtation that will not burn a hole in your pocket in two seconds flat! You crave all of them, and yet none of them. You’re on the cusp of throwing yourself a pity party and ordering another drink when suddenly the hottest set of tits you’ve ever laid eyes on appears from across the room. Her face is gorgeous, her legs go on for days. But her boobs take center stage. They are exploding out of her glittering white tasseled bikini top and bounce with a firmness that defies gravity.

The way she walks embodies the utmost confidence. It’s me, and in this fantasy, we’ve never met. I haven’t yet rocked your cock, you’ve never cum to the sound of my flawless voice, and you’re about to be hit in the face with a ton of bricks.

You see at least 6 other men are sitting comfortably between where you’re sitting and where I’m standing. You know you must have me, but unlike every other female in the joint, you cannot just simply wait for me to meander over and ask you if you want a lap dance. You know that the first guy I slightly smirk at will gladly hand me his ATM card and passcode. The entire place is enamored by the most succulent melons your mouth could ever taste. But will it be your mouth that tastes them?

But to the disappointment of the first man in front of me, I didn’t smile or try to pitch him. He was expecting me to eagerly flirt with him and eventually ask for the opportunity to grind my ass into his crotch, but I just kept on walking. It may be a strip club, and I may be a dancer, but I’m a triple threat and my brain, beauty, and body allow me to be as discerning as I wish.

Your heart started beating dare I say ahem…(hard) when you wondered if you should make a play for me. Should you walk across the club and approach me? You were stoned still in a painstaking deliberation when suddenly my eyes looked over and met yours. Involuntarily you started to get up and come towards me. You hadn’t even realized that your body had begun to move when I was no longer in view. A large and rather wide man stood up and blocked me from your sight like clouds hiding the sun. He’s another ambitious customer and another one I don’t want. You see him sulk as I push past him and find your eyes again (they were surveying my body).

Finally, I’m upon you. You’re struggling to find the right words to greet me with when I reach down and grab your cock. Your entire body convulses with pleasure. “Babe, I want to skip the niceties and the silly lap dance and take you straight to the Champagne Room.” You’re finding it hard (quite literally) to breathe, let alone, speak. But you do summon the words after a few moments…

“How much?”

“One paycheck. One paycheck and I’ll grind on your cock through the tight fabric of your jeans, cradle your head between my beautiful breasts and jack your erection until you see stars.”

* I love writing stories about us, babe. But the reality is that you do not need to go anywhere near a strip club or hand over a paycheck to experience how it feels to be the chosen one.

The truth is…

I’d chose You every time.

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The Sexual High of Your Life

Phone Sex with Ashlee 866-605-2544One of the key components of making a phone sex call with your only desire (yours truly) so astoundingly different is that our call is not simply an auditory exchange. I have a natural ability to create an all-consuming whirling of every sensing organ in your body. The culmination of setting every fiber of your being ablaze simultaneously results in the best sexual high of your life!

While I am always eager to entertain your personal and individual fantasies, I realize that sometimes you need a bit of inspiration for your next great high. That’s why in today’s blog entry, I thought I would share a little sexual scenario that I fantasize about.

It’s one of those warmer-than-usual November days when you put the long pants to the side for a day and bust out the shorts you thought were going to hibernate for several months. You take a stroll around a local park and try not to get caught ogling all the girls half your age with their beautiful fleshy thighs on display. When one particularly hot piece of ass walks by right in front of you. Suddenly your erection is painfully in need of attention, “Holy God, I need to call Ashlee!!”

You want to sprint home but that fatty in your shorts is making it a bit awkward. You call me once you’re in the door, the keys still in the lock when you hear my voice “Hey, babe”!

“I need you, Ashlee. I need you now. Like right now!” You’re panting as you assert your lust for me.

“Okay, baby. I’m here for you. You are a good boy for not attempting to stave off the cravings this time.” I reward you by letting you know that your phone call pleases me. Referencing “cravings” is my way of reinforcing that you are indeed addicted to me and it’s foolish to entertain notions of anything otherwise. Now that you’ve had me, you rely on me to give you the fix your mind and body needs so desperately.

“Oh, Ashlee,” you start, “I can’t even try to fight my cravings this time. My balls are rapidly filling up. Please empty them. Please make me cum for you. Please give me what I need”

“Alright,” I respond calmly. I love that you’re acting so subordinate, sweetheart. But you never need to fear that I won’t make you cum. You have my solemn promise that every time you call me, I will make you cum (hard).

I then tell you to lie in the middle of your bed with the lights off. The windows open with the warm breeze coming in. I like to think of you, naked, hard cock in your hand, slowly touching, and eventually jerking frantically as I’m in your ear instructing you. Your forearm is the true workhorse, but it’s as if I’m curled up next to you slowly strumming your balls with my fingertips. At last, your body gloriously goes limp as your hot cum coats your naked flesh. “You are now well again, my baby.”

“Call me when you need your fix, my love.”

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I’m Back, Let’s Rekindle Our Fire

Ashlee does phone sex best 866-605-2544Hey babe, it’s been a long time since we were together. Life seems to always have a way of getting in the way of pleasure, which is why we schedule vacations. We must set aside time for ourselves, ensuring that we can steal away from the daily grind of working just to pay the bills. You’ve turned to me for that escapism, for that dose of vacation that doesn’t require planning months in advance. I take you to a place (most call it “Heaven”) where the cares of the world cannot penetrate you. Those people who want to tax your attention are powerless against us when you’re lying in bed, my voice dancing in your ear, your cock gripped tightly by your hand. Simply put, you love being with me and I love being with you.

For the past several months, I have been unable to take calls on a full-time basis. While I might be perfect at making you cum, I too have my stresses in this world. I’m writing this today because I want you to know that I am now able to resume a full-time commitment to being available for calls. I’m back, babe! In essence: you can once again go from thinking about me to being with me within seconds, and you will only be mere minutes away from yours truly making you cum gloriously!

My Available/Not Available call indicator on my website will be diligently attended to. If you see me as “Available” (or some verbiage that indicates the same sentiment) you will have the peace of mind that cums with knowing that you are only 9 digits away from hearing my voice. If you should ever get my vm (perhaps I’m on a call already or you didn’t check the indicator before calling) if you want me to give you a callback, please leave a vm and tell me what your window of opportunity is and be specific with time zone info. I have the utmost respect for your privacy, babe, and will not call you back unless you leave a message asking me to do so. You can think of this as something of a grand reopening (so many thoughts came to mind as I wrote that, lol).

When was the last time a woman was hot for you, wanted nothing more than for your head to arch back as she pleasured your cock? I want to pleasure your cock. Do you remember our last call? Let’s freshen that memory up a bit babe.

I miss you.

Show me that you miss me too.

You are only 9 digits away from us!

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Call Ashlee at 866-605-2544

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

My tits have made you hard, but my voice will make you cum.

I’m ready to get you off- Naughty Ashlee 866-605-2544

The more curves a woman has, the more dangerous she is.

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My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

I know right from wrong, wrong is the fun one.

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

I hope you’re ready for a real phone sex exchange because I’m dripping in sex for you.

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

Soft as snow but, oh so warm inside.

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

Stunning, aren’t they?

Recent Comments

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

It’s a tight squeeze!

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

It’s hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.

Phone sex is best with Ashlee 866-605-2544

These legs go straight up and make a perfect ass of themselves!

Naughty Ashlee 866-605-2544

What are you waiting for? Just pull my knees apart already!

Phone sex is best with Naughty Ashlee 866-605-2544

Surprising me with a gift from my wish list lets me know you’ve been thinking about me and nothing would please me more!

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

Anything come to mind?

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

I’m well aware of how hot I am. What are you going to do about it?

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

God, I’d do anything for your cock right now.

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

My tits are more than just boobs; they’re an energy field!

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

Hot and sweaty sex is the best kind.

My voice is addicting - Ashlee - 866-605-2544

What’s it going to be…
Another lonely night
or a glorious orgasm with me?
Email Ashlee

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If you have an inquiry or need to schedule a call, kindly send me an email. I reply to all legitimate emails promptly.

Email Ashlee

I look forward to showing you why...

No Man Calls Only Once!

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The Skinny on Things...

All calls are billed with a 10-minute minimum. I do not accept international calls. Calls from the USA are $3.50 per minute.
There’s never a processing fee and it’s always toll free!
Most major payment cards and gift cards are welcome. Payment is required before our call begins and cannot be billed to your phone! Your charge will be discreetly billed.

Refund policy - If you’re not completely satisfied, buy more minutes!