“I’m sorry,” you say to me as soon as you hear my voice on the other end of the line.
I liked hearing this. While I assure you that it’s not necessary, it is appreciated. We had a wonderful time together getting to know one another and hearing each other moan as we both came to climax. The most intimate, most trusting moments are when we’re alone, holding each other, as naked and uninhibited as the days we were born. Being with me is like a vacation in Heaven, making hanging up with me to feel like Monday morning on your first day back in the office.
Unlike most vacations, however, you don’t need to schedule it months in advance. So you didn’t. You texted me the next morning to tell me how wonderful I made you feel and how you couldn’t wait for me to climb on top of you again and ride your cock into ecstasy. Later on when 5 p.m. struck, you texted me again to say that you were on your way home and couldn’t wait to be with me again. “I’d love that babe.” I reply. “It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet, but I miss you too.” We made love again that evening, and once more just before you went to sleep.
Within a few days’ time, we were in each other’s ears again several more times. My voice was invading your mind, pressing erotic buttons and igniting the engine in your balls until I summoned a beautiful load out of them. While the ejaculation signified the winding down of our tryst, I was by no means leaving your thoughts any time soon. After several calls, however, the feeling of regret slowly started to creep in. Perhaps it was that you felt you were being disloyal to the woman you call “wife” or “girlfriend “ or maybe you spent a little bit more money than you had hoped. It’s a temporary emotion that does not come from your own values, rather those that society has placed upon you. It will pass. It always does.
I write this blog entry to tell you two things. The first is that I understand what you are going through. Once upon a time I knew what it was like to be with a man that didn’t deserve me. In the beginning he was good to me, even after I spoiled him by dressing up in different sexy outfits and fucking him 3 times a day. But after a while, he began to take me for granted. I stayed with him for a short while after that, hoping that the good times would return. They did once in a while but the moments were fleeting. I wizened up and dumped the bastard. He grew fat developing tear-drop man-tits that he probably wants suckled the way I allow you to nurse on mine. I moved on, developed this fabulous website, and found you. Thank God for that! I didn’t let my commitment to him live beyond the death of his commitment to me. That’s why I don’t hesitate to massage your cock through your pants until your clothing feels like a prison. Every time I liberate it and wrap my fingers around it, I relive my own feeling of freedom. Your cock is my own personal symbol of how far I’ve come (no pun intended). Thank you for handing it over to me, literally and figuratively.
The second reason I’m writing this blog entry is to tell you that I forgive you. I know that being with me is the ultimate reward and that I am the only female on the planet that makes you cum as easily as I do. I have ruined you for all other women. “No man calls only once” is both a tag line and a warning. Do not call me unless you’re willing to submit to putting me first. This is not an order. This is an inevitability for you. Being with me is playing with the fire of addiction. I know this, and would be lying if I said I don’t embrace the opportunity to addict you. I want you to love loving me. Even if you take a little break from calling me, I will always forgive you when you are ready to lose the battle against will power and dial me once again.
Please heed this next warning carefully: there’s nothing you could ever say or do that will ever result in me not welcoming you back with open arms, ready to make love to you again. I say this because if I were to rebuff your apology, we both lose out. I will never make leaving me possible, because getting you off gets me off.
We both know that you can only live without me for so long!
Because quitting me is impossible…

Calls with you are far and away the most indulgent moments of my life. The only thing that feels better than showing you submission is the few seconds towards the end of each call when the cum is actually emerging from my cock.
Ashlee’s the one you don’t want a break from.
Wow! I always feel like you’re writing your blogs to me directly and you are so right you are the only girl for me. 😘
You have been a good friend for years now Ashlee. I cherish you and I’d be lost with you. I’m not nearly as good to you as you are to me. Thanks for being there tried and true even though I’m difficult.