I’ll bet that when you were a kid you probably wrote to Santa telling him what you wanted for Christmas. You believed that if you were a good boy, come the morning of December 25th, there’d be that new action figure waiting for you below the tree. When you were old enough to have your bubble burst finding out that Kris Kringle was not real, you probably started kissing up to your parents a bit to ensure that the latest, greatest toy would still appear under the tree. Then you discovered girls, and suddenly mom and dad were no longer the ones who could give you what you wanted. What was it that you day-dreamed about when your cock was doing the wishing for you back in the early years? Were your thoughts innocent enough to simply want a girl to agree to go out on a date with you? No, I’m quite certain you were more “deviant” in your desires. You craved the thrill of your first sexual experience!
Fast forward to today, and the Christmas spirit wields as much power within your psyche as it did when you wanted a fire engine. This holiday season, I am presenting you with an opportunity to gift yourself with something that is too good to be true. This irresistible gift is the sensation you experienced the very first time your cock ever crossed a girl’s lips multiplied by 10! You may not have been ready for how disarming my sexuality can be back then. However, you and your cock are all grown up now (yes, every pun intended.) And your wherewithal is definitely in check now babe. You work so hard to provide for everyone else around you. This year, treat yourself to something you will actually enjoy, me! You deserve me. I’m offering you this guarantee…once my voice is in your ear, your body will flood with chills and pure, unadulterated, sexual bliss will ensue. So you better double up on your protein shakes and lentils babe because I’m going to give you a white Christmas like you’ve never seen or felt before!
Come find me this Christmas baby. I’ll be under the mistletoe waiting for you. This blog entry is not just my summoning you to indulge in the gift of yours truly, but it is also my proclaiming to you, that what I want for Christmas is you. I’ve been a very good girl all year long, but I promise to be extra naughty when you cum down my chimney.
It’s time to call, so that you can stuff my stocking!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Xmas up in here. 🙂