I’ve heard it said more than once that you don’t pay a hooker to fuck you; you pay her to leave when you’re done. Sex always comes at a price, even if you’re married. The price you’re willing to pay dictates whether or not it’s worth it. If the woman you’re with puts pressure on you to perform or she never leads the way, whether it is sexually or monetarily, sometimes you’re better off not banging her in the first place. Unfortunately, it’s rare to know all of her expectations or how expensive her tastes might be before you bed her for the first time.
You’ve never had to ponder any of those unknowns with me, not even for a moment. On the contrary, my dear; I’d contend that the last phone sex encounter you and I had together trumps the last time you had physical sex. You’ve never worried about the aftermath with me, only about how and when you can get your next taste, and how you can have even more of me. To begin with, I don’t ask you to please me. Sex with me is about your desires and needs, and it’s definitely not ever something you have to contemplate. Being with me is your slice of escapism and reprieve from the anguish and torment that ensues after you are granted the most unsatisfying sex of your life! Knowing that you are thinking about me and that your cock grows harder and your balls become heavier with each passing thought about fucking me is a huge turn-on for me. Just knowing that I’m your only desire stirs me, and hearing how badly you want me sends me over the edge every time. I love connecting with you and I like being your secret (AKA: preferred) girlfriend.
Secondly, we move at your pace, I’m not going to push you any further than you want to be pushed. Just as no one can make your cock as hard as I do, no one else knows the pace at which you need to be pleased better than me. I recognize it in your breathing and I thrive on giving your rigid pole such intense shockwaves. If we need to proceed with baby steps to get you warmed up and ready, that’s fine. You having the courage to call tells me that you want me, and you are always free to steer the conversation wherever you want it to go. I won’t ever speed you up baby, nor will I ever insist you last longer unless you want me too (wink). Give me that cum any time you’re ready. Spray it wherever you need or want to.
Finally, I’m more attractive than any girl you’ve ever laid. You’ve not met a hotter set of tits, let alone been in bed with them! Your cock will never have the pleasure of being inside a tighter, juicier, more velvety pussy than mine. I’m the girl you want to worship, and I’m the one who is willing to allow it to happen on your schedule and on your terms. With me, sex is an indulgence. With anyone else, it comes at a price.

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She is mine. My siren. Alas, she says I have to share with you.
Truth be told, there is no one out there like her. The consummate call begins with Ash. You’ll never leave.