One of the longest running themes in what I hear from new callers is that there is a lack of professionalism in the phone sex industry. I am going to use this blog post to expand on this topic a bit. If you have never indulged in a phone sex call with me, I sincerely hope that this information will help you and inspire you to take the plunge. If you are an existing caller, I think you will still find this entry to be an interesting read (it was written by yours truly after all).
I recognize that every caller is a unique individual. Not all callers want to be humiliated and screamed at, called stereo-typical names, and beaten with whips (some do and for you, my cat o’ nine tails is never out of reach)! Being authentic is my method of choice and it has served me well. Being real and approachable from the get-go ultimately lends itself to a lasting connection and a near (ahem…dare I say perfect) call every time.
I enjoy spending the first part of our initial call learning about you. I like discussing your needs, expectations, true desires, short term, and long term goals for the time you and I will be spending together. I am a keen listener and by truly listening (even if you think you’re not saying much) it opens the door to discovery. I thrive on picking up on the little details and desires that have been relegated to the nooks and crannies of your mind.
Being down to earth with you allows you to relax and let down, and it enables me to get a true glimpse of your psycho-sexual personality that you can’t always show to everyone else. You will be astonished by what I can surmise about you during our very first call. Once we are comfy in one another’s ear, a genuine and lasting friendship begins to take shape. And what will ensue from there? My voice will leap from your brain to your cock, and you will cum gloriously!
As you may well imagine, I get my fair share of non-legit inquiries from men who are clearly just seeking a free slice of female attention. I’m an intelligent woman with an incredible amount of intuition. If I’m dubious about a caller, it’s rarely ill-founded. I have been very fortunate to have cultivated such amazing connections doing something I enjoy so much. I’m not a one call wonder. I derive great pleasure in knowing that I am (or soon will be) your only desire.
Quality callers understand that finding a quality phone sex provider can be quite a challenge. And once you’ve found her (me) you, in turn, appreciate her. Just as I, whole-heartedly, appreciate you! And I’m exceedingly grateful that you have such high standards.
I presume that if you’ve read this far, I’ve conjured your curiosity. It’s your move babe, make it wisely (wink).
Only 11 digits separate you from the dream-fuck you’ve been seeking.

To her point gentlemen, I have developed a strong relationship with Ash. She is quite a friend and dedicates time to you, she cleverly gets to know you and cares about what you need.
Call her and experience the difference first hand.
You definitely will get the best bang (pun definitely intended) for your buck with Ashlee. No funny business. All professional. Sexy. Warm. Imaginative.
You are exhilarating in every possible way Ashlee. There isn’t a part of me that you don’t stimulate. Hope you do feel appreciated. Marty
Ashlee, you are not only the best phone fuck I’ve ever had, you have ruined me for all other PSO’s. I didn’t know I could want phone sex this much.