There are a lot of hot women out there. Almost none of them have tits as beautiful as mine. Almost none of them have legs as luscious as mine. Even fewer still have the magnificent ass that I do. And precisely none of them have a voice as velvety and seductive as mine. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the brain cells floating around in this pretty little head!
But these are the things we’ve delved into before here on my phone sex blog. You’ve told me you think about these things the most when we’re not together. The image of my chest heaving up and down, the taste of my supple breasts as your mouth forms a seal around them. I’ve made your cock hard over many a tale. But there’s one thing we haven’t talked about. Judging by this photo alone, you can promptly surmise that what we haven’t previously discussed is my beauty.
Any woman can work hard enough and develop a semi-attractive body. She can eat right, go to the gym daily, and do glute presses until her ass muscles begin to pulsate involuntarily. She can attach a set of bargain basement tits that look good in the dark. But true beauty is something you’re born with. Beauty is God’s gift to a select few women who know enough to recognize what they have been gifted with and share it with others (you, my darling). Case in point, it’s not enough to simply be attractive. Your beauty must be sourced from within.
Being an authentic beauty enables me to give a man what he wants when all he can see initially is my photograph and a shit-ton of words on my pages. My voice doesn’t make you shoot harder than a firehose turned on a wildfire just because I speak words aloud. It’s the Ashlee juice behind it that brings your cock to life. Marilyn Monroe was not the only gorgeous blonde of her time. But when she looked at the camera, she knew the men looking at her craved her. She knew how to ignite a fire; she felt the vitality she was so graciously doling out.
I know the hold I have over you, and I cherish it. I appreciate that it was initially powered by lust. But I value that what’s now a relationship is not just about coaxing a hot load of Ashlee juice from your balls as quickly as possible, but rather the romance that has flourished between us. I return the affection you feel for me, and I look forward to every one of our trysts more than the last. Because being your life force trumps any other gift I could ever be given.
Tapping into my beauty benefits both of us tremendously.
Unadulterated beauty cannot be taught or bought. It is sourced from within.
I know what I do for you, Babe.
It’s time to tap into your life force once again.

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You state nothing but truth. You’re the most attractive woman I’ve ever seen, and your description doesn’t do you justice. I do believe that what is even more captivating is your kindness, relaxing voice and your mind. You make me feel so incredibly special. You are like a drug I have to have. You leave me speechless.
Absolutely amazing passage. And so true. You are more to me than a voice or a picture on a screen. I cherish our time and am grateful for that space we share and respect. I’m glad you know what you do for me. What do I do for you?
Well said Ashlee. It’s refreshing to read the words written by someone who embraces the obvious. You are multidimensional and you do share it well🌹
Your beauty is only matched by your voice and mind. I can’t get enough of all of you.
I’ve known you for many years now. It’s an honor and a privilege to spend time with you, to know you, and share the experiences that leave me satisfied in a way that only you can manifest. Franchise, legendary, GOAT are just a few thoughts that come to mind when I think about you. This blog post says the perfect words that have alluded me all this time. As with everything we discuss, I could never express it as well as you. Thank You!!!